/ Precision Measuring Tools / Precision Hand Tools / Machinsts Levels / Levels / 98-12 W/SLC * Not actual product image 66934 98-12 Machinists Level with SLC 66934 Other similar products The Starrett 98 Machinists Level with Ground and Graduated Vial includes a cross test vial. 300mm (12") size, without case. With Standard Letter of Certification. Features Specifications Parts Downloads Contact Starrett Features Ground and graduated main vials The base of the levels features an involute groove running the length of the base, which provides a reliable seat for round work Cross test vial The vials are adjustable to a positive setting and are housed in a satin finished brass tube with a friction-fit closing cover to prevent breakage Main level vials have graduations that are approximately 80-90 seconds or .005" per foot (0.42mm per meter) Includes standard letter of certification Specifications Length (in): 12" Length (mm): 300mm Parts Member of Kit Item #DescriptionPart No.QtyInformation 1MAIN VIAL SUB-ASSEMBLYPT994320 10END PLUG, C/SUNK14924-C1 20VIAL, 3 5/8X5/815024-01 30TEFLON STRIP, LONG24771-02 40SCREW, .200-40 SLOT X .631 LONG14364-01 50WSHR,.213X.437X.15614365-01 60WSHR,.213X.427X.15414927-01 70STUD, ADJUSTING14367-01 80NUT, .200-4014368-02 90PLUG, EXPANSION13879-01 100PLUG, EXPANSION17816-01 110VIAL, .255 DIA. X 7/8 LG.13261-01 120VIAL,11/32X.922/950 (15/16)13268-01 130BASE #97-12NOT AVAILABLE1 140TUBE, OUTSIDE 12"01989-01 150TUBE, INSIDE 12"01989-A1 160END PLUG, PLAIN14924-P1 170SLC REDEMPTION CERTIFICATE27691-01 Downloads 2D Dimensional Drawing (PDF) .pdf 36.25 kb Catalog 33 - Section 18 - Machinists' Levels We offer a selection of machinists' levels to suit a variety of precision work typically required in industry. Our machinists' levels are manufactured with ground surfaces designed specifically for machine shop and tool room use. Precision Hand Tools (Catalog 33) 612 page catalog featuring precision hand tool, force measurement, vison systems, optical comparators, laser measurement, and flat stock.